Senior Centers Without Walls (SCWW)
A FREE interactive telephone program for people 55+ anywhere in Saskatchewan
Finding Solutions – Empowering Seniors – To Live A Life With Dignity
What is Seniors’ Centre Without Walls?
Seniors’ Centre Without Walls (SCWW) provides the opportunity for participants to join in on health and wellness seminars, educational lectures, brain-stimulating activities, listen to live musical entertainment, join in on general conversations, and make new and meaningful friendships – all from the comfort of home!
It is all done over the telephone.
The Seniors’ Centre Without Walls (SCWW) provides opportunities to socialize, learn new skills and stay connected from the comfort of home. New programs and topics are added regularly. Programs include games, exercise classes, meditation and mindfulness, nutrition, book clubs, coffee chats, and more. All done over your own telephone from your own home.
Information About the Program
How it Works
- Completely free program.
- Programs are multi-person phone conversations (or conference calls).
- No special equipment needed – just your telephone. You do not need a computer or Internet access.
- Each phone session lasts between 30-60 minutes on the phone.
- Each phone session will have a volunteer speaker that will talk on a variety of topics.
- On the day of the class you have registered for, we will phone you a few minutes before and when prompted you push the number one and you will be connected to your class
- Over your phone – You are able to hear each other, talk to one another, learn, and have fun! A great way to meet new friends!
- Confidential, only your first name and last initial are used by the host.
Who Can Participate?
Adults aged 55+ living anywhere in Saskatchewan, who find it difficult to leave their homes and participate in social activities in their community.
Is There a Cost?
No cost. Everything is Free of charge.
We mail you any needed supplies for programs that you sign up for, at no cost to you.
How To Join
You phone us and do an initial registration.
Once you are registered with us – we will send you a list of topics/classes each month.
You phone or email us and tell us which classes you want to sign up for.
Some classes only have room for 10 people – please register early.
Phone: 306-692-2242 to register
The history of Seniors Centre Without Walls
Ever wonder how SCWW got started?
The program had its beginnings in New York, under the name of DOROT. DOROT is the Hebrew word for “generations. In 1974, a group of social work students in New York City, wanted to do something to help the older adults they encountered.
The founders of DOROT, then recent graduates of Columbia University’s social work program, were pioneers in their approach to serving their older neighbours, with the ultimate goal of alleviating social isolation. Recognizing the plight of elders hidden in their apartments on New York City’s Upper West Side, the students began with regular visits and food deliveries. These young adults orged a loving bond between the generations, fulfilling the name they chose for the organization. After graduation, the students started a program called University Without Walls, as a way to bring the rich New York Culture into the homes of older adults who could not easily get out to museums and libraries.
DOROT programs currently available in the City of New York engage 10,000 seniors and volunteers annually. Volunteers of all ages offer critical resources to vulnerable older adults, in services specific to the person’s needs and interests. The New York
organization still retains its Jewish roots, but its reach has expanded to serve and welcome people of all faiths and cultures. The programs all have a purpose of lifelong learning and social connections for older persons.
In 2004, Terry Englehart used the DOROT model and started Seniors Centre Without Walls (now called Well Connected) with six women participants in Oakland, California. Michelle Ranville brought the first program to Manitoba, Canada and called it the WOW (Without Walls) program. In Canada, we have programs in almost every province and the model has become National. Saskatchewan’s SCWW program started in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan in September, 2020 and similar to WOW, in California, Saskatchewan started with just five ladies.
SCWW Saskatchewan strives to follow the founding DOROT’s principles and values which are:
- Vision: “will be an innovative leader in mobilizing volunteers of all ages to improve the lives and health of the elderly, addressing the challenges of an aging society”.
- Mission: “alleviates social isolation among the elderly and provides services to help them live independently as valued members of the community, bringing the generations together in a mutually beneficial partnership of elders, volunteers and professionals. Our work provides an effective model for others.”
- Values: communal responsibility, affirming our commitment to honour the older members of the community, by bringing the generations together.”
- Commitment to Excellence: “Upholding the highest standards in all that we do.”
- Compassion: “Connecting personally, with sensitivity and concern, to provide exceptional care.”
- Making a Difference: “Having a demonstrable impact in the lives of the people we serve.”
- Integrity: Being worthy of the trust of all our constituents.
- Innovation: Being dedicated to learning and to creatively addressing the evolving needs of the elder and volunteer communities.
- (Citation:
Upcoming Classes
Country Music & Horses
View event listing: A fun day in the country for seniors ages 60+Monday, August 5 12:45 pm - Gates open 1:00 pm - Rock painting activity 1:30 pm - Old Time Country Music - with local band “Chrissy’s Country Band” featuring...
Art Over The Phone – Winter 2024 – FULL
See these events on our calendar: Theme: 2024 – Exploring the old and new Materials included: paper for projects, pencil, eraser, diamond art bracelet kit, Black Sharpie marker (fine tip) weld-bond glue,...
Free Guitar Lessons
Are you over age 60 and always wanted to play guitar? Small group Beginner LevelLearn Guitar cording by ear Country Western Genre SaturdaysMarch 9 to April 611:00 am to 12 noon Seniors Centre Without Walls Group Leader: Chris Magowan Lawrence “Chrissy’s Country Band”...
Fun Singing Group – For beginners
Are you over age 60?Have you always wanted to singYou are invited to join ourFun Singing Group - For beginners Country Western Learn some tips and share some laughs We are all beginners in this together It is a fun safe place Saturdays March 9 to April 612:30 pm to...
Did you grow up on a farm?
Join us while we share our oral history! Celebrate our common stories through farm reminiscing. Free weekly phone sessions on Wednesdays January 17 – March 6, 2024, at 10am – 11am OR 1:30pm – 2:30pm for 8 weeks. Registration required for this program, phone...
Creativity for Brain Health
Creativity for Brain Health is hosted by the Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery’s Education Coordinator, Christy Schweiger and TimeSlips Facilitator Catherine Livingstone. 10:00 am – 11:00 am TuesdaysNovember 21 & 28 andDecember 5 & 12 Rural Stories: Treasures...
Piano Favourites with Lorne Jackson
From 10:00 am – 11:00 am on Fridays, October through December. Lorne plays all the old-fashioned music you love and remember. Thismulti-talented musician plays an eclectic mix of gospel, country, rock, blues,folk,...